Help Support our Mora High School Graduating Seniors!

Money raised comes from community members, local businesses and alumni.  One hundred percent of your donation goes directly to individuals that are awarded a scholarship.  The scholarships are used for higher education expenses.

Consider funding a full scholarship.  Memorial scholarships can be made in honor of a loved one.  Mora Dollars for Scholars is also a great consideration for your year-end charitable giving.  We are a 501(c)(3) organization and tax receipts are provided with all donations.

Contributions are accepted year round.  If you would like to contribute, you can donate online to the Mora, Minnesota Chapter through Scholarship America by clicking below.  It will go directly to our local chapter.

If you prefer to mail your donation in the form of a check please send it to the following address:

Mora Dollars for Scholars

PO Box 422

Mora, MN 55051